Industry Info

Industry Info

WWSO aims to use this space to make clients and others aware of the current labor laws, compliance laws and other latest information related to India’s work space. Our hope is that we can bring all the information to one page so that clients and visitors alike need not search hard for current law structures.

  1. For all information related to the current Private Security Regulation Act, 2005 and its subsequent implementation across India, visit here You will get details on all PSARA compliant companies working in India as well as Training providers and PSARA controlling authorities. Also given below are the PSAR Rules 2005 and the PSAR Cash Act.

    PSAR Rules

    PSAR Cash Act

  2. For all information related to the Employee Provident Fund , visit
  3. For all information related to the Employee State Insurance Corporation, visit
  4. Please see below to refer to industry related links

    FICCI PwC Report

    MSME New Benefit

    NSQF Gazette

  5. Our labor industry has various associations which assist companies in getting recognition and to help achieve long term growth.
    • In the Private Security Sector, its industry association, Central Association of Private Security Industry ( CAPSI) has been instrumental in getting various laws passed and in ensuring the the private security sector gets assistance from the various state governments and central government in India. You can know more on
    • In the Staffing Sector, the Indian Staffing Federation’s (ISF) purpose is to enhance long-term growth and ensure its continued ability to make positive contributions to the economy as well as the society through the services of the Staffing Industry. The principal focus of the Federation’s activities is triangular employment relationships, in which the staffing company is the employer of the temporary worker, who works under the supervision of the user company. You can know more on